About Us
UKRGEOSURVEY, LLC is a team of highly qualified geologists, economists, ecologists, engineers, cartographers and lawyers. Our group is a unique combination of energy and experience. We perform works and deliver services related to exploration and evaluation of deposits, design of mine workings, wells, preparation or/and audit of documents for obtaining a special permit for the use of subsoil, for special water usage etc. “Ukrgeosurvey”, LLC guarantees full compliance to the set deadlines and complete confidentiality of customer’s data.
Our experts have been consulting subsoil users on legal, geological and ecological matters. Following a client’s order we conduct an audit of mineral deposits and assist in development of the comprehensive action plan for obtaining all the permits and licenses for the deposits operation.
10 years of experience
24 Qualified experts in the team
400+ projects implemented
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Our Advantages
Professional Independence. “Ukrgeosurvey”, LLC belongs only to its employees. It is not in any way affiliated with manufacturers or suppliers of relevant equipment or materials, engineering or production companies seeking to sell their products, or any governmental institution implementing this or that policy. This ensures accuracy, impartiality and maximum reliability of our reports and conclusions.
Expertise and Experience. The company employs leading specialists with knowledge and profound experience in the exploration and evaluation of deposits, mineral resources and reserves, the implementation of mining, geological exploration, engineering and geological projects, and water supply projects at all stages of their development, as well as knowledge of the relevant regulatory requirements and national cultural traditions.
Full confidentiality of information that is provided or ordered by our clients.